28/02/2009, 09:00AM: Da Plague!!!!

Uggggggggggggggggggggggggg I'm so sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Da plague got me so badddddd
I din't update my site much the last few weekz soz abt that lol I didnt have much time 4 it but nao that I'm sick as hell ironically I do have time XD
I gotz a rly bad fever n I'm coughing the skin out from inside my throate, I'm sweating and I'm dizzy and I'm fa
Anywayz I thought "oh sweet!!! i get sick leave from work!!! but lemme tell u its not worth... dis sucks ballz n I'd rather work than feel this garbo
At least my Sailor Moon teacup is getting plenty of use XD
I feel like I'm at da tail end of the sickness or mayb im coping XD but still plsssssss be over
in any case I'm still accepting ritual sacrifices and free money so keep sending thos over pls thanks n stay healthy!!! more stuff 2 come!!! (I might even make a new site category............)
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